There are plenty of reasons why Jeremy Deller is The Social Gathering’s favourite British artist. He consistently lifts pop culture – from wrestling to raving – onto the pedestals of ‘high art’ world like no one else; he manages to perfectly document the minutiae of people’s lives and political beliefs through a lens; he built a bouncy castle replica of Stonehenge and, probably most importantly, he fucking loves the band Earl Brutus (video for this track shot partially at a Social night in Nottingham).
One more strong reason arrives today, just in time for whatever form Christmas is going to take this year. It is a glorious selection of wrapping paper, baubles and greetings cards, all adorned with the one universal truth on everyone’s mind right now. Fuck You 2020.
All available here, proceeds going to, Crisis and the Studio Voltaire education programme.
Please check this is site next week for Jeremy Deller talking about the mighty Jonny Banger’s COVID letters.